Self-Publish and Be Happy

Many aspiring authors have asked - "Self-publish and be happy?" How can you accomplish this still seems difficult begin the story, how much more from self-publishing?

The search for self-publishing has always been known as one of the most difficult professions in the world. Many stories were shared about how we spend time and how competition brings down.This online article will help you overcome the editorial puzzle. This piece will also provide you the reasons why you should choose to self-publish your book and how you can do.
The reasons why you should choose to self-publish your book:

1.) Well, first of all, self-publishing is easy. What for? Because there are many tools on the Internet where you can choose to publish. Format and design will also be provided for you. Instructions will be clearly presented to you.

2.) When you self-publish your book, monitor and control their equipment. No third party (editor) involved, so that you can choose and do whatever he wants with his book.

3) Self-publishing allows you to choose the right price for your book. As the author, in his book the best he knows how.

4.) The costs will be cheaper because they do not have to pay for a publisher.

5.) You have the right set of rights to his book. So this will also be under their control.

You know that your writing and better than any other publisher, so the decision and rights must be controlled by no other than you.

How can self-publish your book?

Cover and Design. In this step, as he did all the writing and publishing. You should be able to choose the volume of the hood. This is the first thing your reader will realize what is attractive to them

Title. Usually players entering the title by sweeping. If the title is clear and convincing so clearly that no one finds interesting. So be catchy. Either leave your reader a question that will buy your book because they want to know the answer.

Price. Do not be too high on price. Discourages readers. There are several books that may be the same subject as yours and are cheaper.

Publisher. Amazon KDP Select. This is the fastest, simple and easy way to publish a book. In fact, 79% of authors use this. The Kindle Direct Publishing PDK or your book is loaded in about five minutes. Here's how it quick. All you have to do is to create an Amazon account and a corresponding Kindle. With this, you can start posting.

Now you see why the words "self-publish and be happy" interconnection. Self-publishing gives you happiness and satisfaction. The respect that you feel after priceless.

So what are you waiting for? Auto-Post now and be happy.

Rob Hillman is a successful author and enthusiastic Kindle. For more information on the platform of publishing Kindle, please visit

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